Tuscan Lodge of Master Mark Masons No1099
It must be getting near Christmas because it was Tuscan Mark Lodge’s Installation meeting at Liverpool Masonic Hall on Monday 19th December. Representing the R.W. Provincial Grand Master was W. Bro Giles Berkley G. Stwd. W. Bro Berkley was also accompanied by the Provincial Wardens W. Bro Alan Foster Prov G.S.W. and Alan Fairhurst Prov G.J.W.
W. Bro Stephen Hindley thanks Installing Master W. Bro Stephen McNee
The lodge was opened by the Worshipful Master W. Bro Stephen McNee. When the lodge was open and the minutes passed the lodge balloted for a new joining member Bro. Barry Kilby. Once Bro. Kilby had been accepted and admitted the Provincial and Grand deputation was admitted. 
W. Bro Giles Berkley congratulating Worshipful Master
After the salutations had been given the Provincial Wardens were asked to occupy their respective seats in the lodge for the installation and W. Bro Derek Gaskell Prov G.J.D acted as the Inner Guard for the evening.  W. Bro Stephen Hindley P. Prov G. Swd Br who was going into the chair for the third time to allow new members time to pass through the various offices; was then presented for installation. W. Bro Hindley was installed in fine form by the Worshipful Master W. Bro McNee.
Prov J.W Alan Fairhurst; Giles Berkley; WM; Prov S.W Alan Foster
W. Bro Jack Parker presented the Working Tools to the New Master. An excellent rendition of the Master Address was given by the acting DC W. Bro Tony Kennedy P. Prov G.J.W. Then W. Bro Foster did the wardens address and W. Bro Fairhurst did the address to the overseers.
WM, Surrounded by the visiting Grand and Provincial Grand Officers
It was down to W. Bro Berkley to do the address to the brethren. When the ceremony was complete W. Bro Giles Berkley congratulated the Worshipful Master on behalf of the PGM for taking on the Chair once again. Praise was also given to W. Bro Stephen McNee for the fine ceremony he had preformed. The Worshipful Master presented W. Bro Berkley with a generous for charity, which was received with thanks on behalf of those who will ultimately benefit from the donation.
W. Bro Giles Berkley and W. Bro Mike Winterbottom
There was the usual high spirits at the festive board which is now traditional at the December meeting of Tuscan Mark Lodge. Several giant party poppers met W. Bro Giles Berkley when he replied to the Toast to Grand Lodge. W. Bro Berkley praised the Lodge for their generosity and listed several causes that West Lancs Masonic Charities had helped over the year. It was an amusing reply and truly entered into the spirit of the night. W. Bro Berkley also promoted the Mark Social evening to be held at Liverpool Masonic Hall on 28th January 2017 and encouraged as many who could go to attend.
At the close of the evening the Worshipful Master wished everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year.
Words and pictures by Derek Gaskell